Want to become a LeOrange wholesaler?
To become a LeOrange Wholesale partner, please read our FAQ for important information about our requirements and processes. Once you're familiar with the details, fill out the form below. We will review your submission and contact you with the next steps. Thank you for your interest in partnering with us.
Frequently asked questions
Fill out the from bellow, and we will get in touch with you!
Fill out the from bellow, and we will get in touch with you!
To become a wholesale partner, you must have the necessary business licenses for your local area.
To become a wholesale partner, you must have the necessary business licenses for your local area.
Yes it is, no exceptions.
Yes it is, no exceptions.
The Wholesale Buyer is responsible for shipping, we can help organize it.
The Wholesale Buyer is responsible for shipping, we can help organize it.
If you apply to be a wholsaler buyer and are withn a certain distance of an offical idstributer, we will refrence you to them.
If you apply to be a wholsaler buyer and are withn a certain distance of an offical idstributer, we will refrence you to them.